Saturday, March 23, 2019

Possible Solutions to Remedy the Detrimental Effects of Soil Acidity on

Possible Solutions to Remedy the Detrimental Effects of Soil acidulousness on Tropical Agriculture Arable tropical terra firmas, which mainly brood of Oxisols and Ultisols but also include regions of Inceptisols and Alfisols, cover approximately one one million million million hect bes this area represents 33 percent of the total potentially arable grime of this world which does no require irrigation. Most of these soils have optimum conditions for curtail production, including low population density, excellent physical conditions, and a favorable temper (Van Wambeke, 1976). The main limitation of agricultural productivity and the reason that these tropical soils are underutilized for farming is soil sulkiness and its related factors. Improving the quality and admit of crops in these regions would do much to relieve the food pressures imposed upon us by the worlds growing population. As stated by I.M. Rao, et al.It is particularly deprecative to realize the agricultural p otential of Ultisols and Oxisols which remain idle in capacious areas of the tropics...(but) we cannot repeat previous attempts to settle farmers in these areas before we have dispassionate sufficient data and facts upon which we can honestly base our recommendations which guarantee a decent living from agricultural enterprise (Rao et al., 1993). Therefore, it is of the utmost importance for us to find a feasible and cost-effective way to alleviate the problems of soil acidity on tropical agriculture. Before the effects of soil acidity on tropical agriculture is examined, it is necessary to have a replete(p) background on what soil acidity is and how it occurs. Soils become acid because of expeditious leaching, coupled with the inputs of acids (substances capable of releasing positive hydrogen atom... ...fisol from Zambia Tropical Agriculture, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 309-313.Rao, I.M. et al., 1993, Selection and Breeding for Acid-Soil Tolerance in Crops Bioscience, vol. 43, pp. 454 -465.Ritchey, K.D. et al., 1991, Rapid evaluation of young Sorghum for Tolerance to Soil Acidity Journal of Plant Nutrition, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 315-329. Singer, Michael and Munns, Donald, 1996, Soils An Introduction (3rd ed.) New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 480 p.Van Wambeke, A., 1976, Formation, Distribution, and Consequences of Acid Soils in inelegant Development Proceedings of Workshop on Plant Adaptation to mineral Stress in Problem Soils, Nov. 22-23, 1976, pp. 15-24.Yamoah, Charles, et al., 1992, Correction of Acid Infertility in Rwandan Oxisols with Lime from an Indigenous Source for Sustainable Cropping Exploratory Agriculture, vol. 28, pp. 417-424.

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