Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Learning Lab Denmark Case Study Essay

Executive Summary The Shackleton’s Antarctic expedition, from 1914 to 1916, is a compelling story of leadership when disaster strikes again and again. In words of David Foster Wallace, Real leaders are people who help us overcome the limitations of our own individual laziness and selfishness and weakness and fear. Q1;- Has designing and leadership at Learning Lab Denmark been effective so far? Why/Why not? What about Organizational Culture? A1:- Organizational design is the pillar of any organization. It is the deliberate process of configuring structures, processes, reward systems, and people practices to create an effective organization capable of achieving the business strategy. It is ongoing process and simply a vehicle for accomplishing the strategic tasks of the business. A well-designed organization helps everyone in the business do his/her job effectively. A poorly-designed organization (or an organization by default) creates barriers and frustrations for people both inside and outside the organization. Organizational design affected by few key factors, which are: 1. Strategy 2. Environment 3. Technology 4. HR Learning Lab Denmark was the â€Å"Research and Development Institute† which was established by the help of Danish Ministry of Business and Industry, the Ministry of Research and the Ministry of Education and the Private sectors. Like every organization, in LLD, there was an Organizational design to perform its job smoothly. In that organization, there was a central unit which conducted all the the jobs like Management, Communication and Culture activities called â€Å"Secretariat†. It was an independent organization but affiliated with the Danish Pedagogical university (DPU). In LLD, there were two senior managers, one was managing director and other was a research director. Research director was responsible for research jobs which were going on in all Consortia. The MD was to report to the boards and to oversee the organization’s daily operations. There were six consortia where in each  consortia, a Consortium Director was deputed and under which many employees were working on different projects. The Consortium were : Math and Science (MS) Neuroscience, Cognition and Learning (NCL) Play and Learning (PL) The Creative Alliance (TCA) Workplace Learning (WL) Tools for the Knowledge Based Organization (TKO) There was a dpartment under secretariat for sharing all the information and ensure an effective network of communication within LLD. It shared all the learnings between all Consortia and between Consortia and Secretariat. It also support to LLD by developing a consortium’s website. Secretariat also focused on the organizational culture whether is was followed or not. In my view, the Organizational design and leadership both were not so effective due to that Organization failed to perform. If we consider the basic key factors of Organization design, we will find; 1. Startegy – There was lack of strategy. What we have to do and what will be the tentative time frame of completion of job. There was lack of experienced employees so that they couldn’t make proper strategy. 2. Environment – There was no favourable work environment. Leaders were not able to communicate properly. Each consortia was doing his own way. There was ego issue between two different departments and both were avoiding each other instructions. 3. Technology – This was the research institute so the first thing which was required, adequate knowledge, experienced expertise, upgraded technologies. There was lack of all these things which led to fail the organization. 4. Human Resources – The HR management was handled by DPU so there was big gap betwee n the actual scenario inside the LLD and action taken by DPU. DPU was not involved directly and there was no perfect communication networking between LLD and DPU. There was big dissatisfaction in the employees of LLD. One of the reasons to fail the LLD was weak leadership. In the case study, it was clear that the role of top leaders was not effective. The CDs didn’t follow the instructions which were taken by senior leaders. There was big  ego issue between two departments. The CDs were doing their job in their own way. Organizational Culture – Organizational culture is the basic pillar of any organization. It decides the way to achieve the goal along with growth and great satisfaction of each and every employee. The culture depends on the few key factors which have been described below:- 1. Team Orientation – Degree to which work is organized around teams rather than individuals 2. People Orientation – Degree to which management decisions take into account the effects on people in the organization 3. Attention to detail – Degree to which employees are expected to exhibit precision, analysis and attention to detail 4. Stability – Degree to which organizational decisions and actions emphasize maintaining the status. 5. Aggressiveness – Degree to which employees are aggressive and competitive rather than cooperative. 6. Innovation & Risk Taking – Degree to which employees are encouraged to be innovative and to take risks 7. Outcome Orientation – Degree to which manager’s focus on results or outcomes Since in LLD, there was no any structured Organizational design so there was also lack of culture. There was no strategy according to which all consortia could perform. The consortia leader was not interested to follow the instruction of his senior management. The above described all factors are required to develop an organizational culture but in LLD, no any factors were lays. Q2 :- What are the opportunities and challenges of designing and leading Learning Lab Denmark? A2:- If any system fails it means that faced many challenges which couldn’t be attended on the time. In the case of LLD, there were multiple challenges in designing and leading, which i have described below. 1. Establish the Hilton Experience – Hilton experience means that the administrative side of LLD sustains the research side with supportive attitude where helpful procedures and routines make it easier, not harder, for the researcher to do their job. But in actual condition, there was lots of confliction between consortia and secretariat. 2. Common Culture and Identity – MD and Research Director of LLD wanted to establish common culture and identity across all consortia but it was very tough since the project job of all consortia were different from each other, so the working  was also different. 3. Establish the communication networking across LLD – It was very big challenge to establish the proper communication among Secretariat and Consortia and also among all Consortia. They didn’t want any interruption in their working on the projects. 4. Financial Crisis – Since LLD was an organization which was funded by Danish Govt. as well as Private investors. At the initial time when LLD was being established, the global market was facing recessions. The terrorist attacks on Sep’11, 2001 further heightened pessimism. So, it became tough to collect the fund for the Organization. 5. Execution of LLD Research model – LLD has established a research model where the involvement of Stakeholders have been introduced directly with the researchers to give their inputs so that researchers can work in that direction and at the same time, Researchers can convince with their efforts to Stakeholders. But it was not established due to weak leadership of LLD top management. 6. Recruitment of Researchers – This was research institute so the employees should have high knowledge along with experienced, only then research could be done in within time frame. This type of researchers could be recruited only when selector s having high knowledge. Other thing was the new inexperienced employees who got the first job of life in LLD, could be performed as per expectation due to lack of job experience. This was the big challenge. 7. Work Environment – A healthy and familiar work environment is required to perform well in the organization. This environment can be achieved by taking care of employee. For that a strong HR management should be there but in the LLD, this was lacking point. 8. Decision Taking Authority – There should be the freedom to take decision regarding research to all consortia but this should be controlled by LLD top management. For this, a structural frame should be in the organization with proper strategy. This was not in the LLD. 9. Get Result – All stakeholders invest on the basis of performance of the organization. They want results for that they invest the money. In LLD, only research work remained ongoing but results didn’t deliver with full satisfaction and within time frame. It also remained challenge and reason for failure. 10. Confliction – This was the big issue in the LLD and the main reason of the confliction between the employees was Power, Authority and Hierarchical Status. The top management couldn’t able to resolve this confliction. There are so many opportunities where LLD management should focus and could be improved. Few points have been described below. 1. Organizational Design – There should be proper structured team in LLD by considering few factors like; Strategy, Technology, Environment and Human Resource. This team should perform effectively. 2. Communication Networking – Communication networking to be strengthen and for communication, there should be a proper channel which should not be bypassed in any case. Communication should be monitored by senior management effectively. What to be shared with stakeholders, what to be requested to investors, what to be ordered to researchers; these all things should be monitored properly. 3. Recruitment – Since the core business of this organization was research so the employee recruitment should be on the basis of real merit and experience. 4. Training – If employees having less job-experienced then there should be a training cell where the researchers can be developed by training. 5. Feedback System – There should be proper feedback system for the ongoing projects status and it should be monitored on regular basis. 6. Fund Arrangement – There should be proper team for fund collection. Team has ability to convince the investors. They should make other strategy to draw the attention of investors. 7. Execution of LLD Research Model – The research model established by LLD was very good but it was not executed due to having much confliction between the top management of LLD and Consortia leaders. So, it should be role of top leaders that the good model should be executed effectively. 8. Resolves Confliction – There was too much confliction on the thoughts among the LLD and it created tension. The tension was created due to Power, Authority, Hierarchical Status and this was continued due to unwillingness of senior management. The senior leader should take their responsibilities and perform effectively. Q3:- Identify tensions, problems, issues, paradoxes, characteristics and dilemmas that make organizational design and leadership ongoing challenges in new ventures such as LLD. What is distinctive about LLD’s design? A3:- In LLD, there was tension between the Broker team (Communicator) and the Consortium Director and its related to whether the broker team is a â€Å"Service Team† that executes orders/requests issued by the CDs or a â€Å"Techno  Structure† that can issue orders/requests to the CDs. The tension was related to three main issues; Power, Authority and Hierarchical Status. The problem was that the more the broker team acts as if it is a technocratic structure, the more CDs resist. The paradox underlined the organization-wide tension between Standardization and Variability. The communicator team emphasized on stability and standardization as it represented secretariat of LLD where as the CDs fostered variability because they resisted the brokerâ€⠄¢s initiatives. â€Å"They accepted, the brokers are right when they say that no procedure includes all local conditions but we are also resisting because the procedures minimize our autonomy†. The consortia people also resisted to follow the standardization procedures due to which the secretariat was facing big challenge to deliver on the idea of being a Hilton experience. They were frustrated with LLD’s organizational bureaucracy, which they believed was constraining their efforts unnecessarily. Another problem was in the relationship between LLD and DPU. LLD’s managers and employees knew they belonged to DPU as an independent unit, but never viewed their organization as a part of DPU. Even though all LLD’s budget including salaries was paid through DPU’s administration, LLD’s administrators feared that if they used this bureaucracy, LLD would become like DPU means very slow, dusty and inefficient. According to LLD’s personnel, they were facing some human resource problem. They said that their salaries were not released on time by DPU. There was some management issue, due to which two Chief Financial Officers had resigned within 18 months and the reason shared was the perceived difficulty of serving as the interface between the two organizations. The LLD’s Organizational design was different in the case that only two senior managements were involved and MD was to oversee the organizational daily operations. There was confliction in the team due to having issues like Power, Authority and Hierarchical Status. The employees didn’t view their organization as a part of DPU whereas LLD was administratively governed by DPU. It showed there was no effective leadership. Q4:- As a leader, how do you prepare for and manage the difficulties and challenges identified in questions 2 and 3? Consider actions, strategies and techniques that you might want to take/use. Be specific and illustrate with examples? A4:- In this case study, i have found many difficulties and challenges and Being a leader, here i am explaining my remedial action to resolve those challenges. 1. Organizational Design – I would like to frame a design where responsibilities of everyone would be described and everyone will have to perform according to that. I would like to make a team on the basis of Strategy, Environment, Technology and Human Resource. I would introduce every consortia, a leader under whom a technical and managerial employee will work. Managerial employee will look after the basic needs of all involved researchers. And Technical employee will take reports on daily basis from the researchers and talk about their demands for doing project smoothly. Both will report to Consortia head. Consortia head will power to take decision for his consortia work and decide the time frame with responsibilities. Now in Secretariat, similarly, one top leader will be under whom a research director, a finance head , a HR head will work. Research Director will take report from all Consortia head. Finance head will manage all funding for LLD and head a cell which will work for fund collection by involving investors. HR head will look after all the basic needs of all employees across LLD. The head of Secretariat will take report from all three heads and take appropriate actions for the organization. He will shared the key points with DPU, Danish Govt. And Stakeholders. The all consortia head will be liable to follow the instructions given by all three heads, whom he will report and discuss the issue. 2. Communication Networking – Communication networking will be affected by leadership quality. If the above design will work effectively, the communication will remain strong. 3. Recruitment and Training – The HR will be responsible for recruitment and there will be selector team in which a technical and managerial employee will be involved for selection of researchers. In the selection, they will have to giv e priority to those who have much job experience and having higher degree of knowledge. Few researchers can be selected who have no much job experience but for those, there would be manage a training program on regular interval to increase their skills. 4. Financial Establishment – The finance dept will be responsible for the  funding arrangement. They will make different teams in which one will be in touch with every consortia and review their financial demands like equipments for experiment and other basic requirements, one will be responsible to review current cash situation and their expenditure plan, keep previous expenditure report, one will be responsible to involve investors, stakeholders by convincing with the performance of the organization, make some investment schemes., one will be responsible to review current market condition, take care of investors who has become partner in the organization. 5. Get Result – The organization is â€Å"Research and Development Institute†, so it’s growth will depend on the completion of projects within time frame. For this, every consortia head will be responsible for completion of all projects within time frame and share the way forward plan, if any projects doesn’t complete in within time frame. To involve the investors, everyone will keep honesty in his work. For this, HR team will responsible to arrange the meeting between investors and respective consortia at regular time of interval along with research head, so that every investors can remain updated with the ongoing research. 6. Confliction – This is the big challenge for any organization. This can only be resolved by the effective organizational design. It is the responsibility of the top leader to define the responsibility along with power and level of freedom to take decision on any topic. According to me, i will define the decision taking authority with the power and Hierarchical status. The HR department will be responsible whether the things are being followed or not. Whatever decision is taken by higher management, it should be followed by every employee. 7. Organizational Culture – Organizational culture is the basic pillar of any organization. It decides the way to achieve the goal along with growth and great satisfaction of each and every employee. The culture depends on the few key factors which are, Team Orientation, People Orientation, Stability, Aggressiveness, Innovation & Risk Taking, Outcome Orientation. In my leadership, i will assure the organizational key factors are being followed or not. Q5:- What should Vaaland and Jensen do? A5:- Being Managing Director, Marianne Stang Vaaland had much power to handle  the all obstacles. There are two types of obstacles; one can be controlled by your efforts since the reason of the obstacle remains known but another type of obstacle comes due to external agencies which is not in your hand and take much time to control that, like recession, market condition, investors demand etc. Vaaland should form an effective organizational design along with responsibility. He should take action if there is any deviation. Similarly being Research Director, Hans Siggaard Jensen should define the working responsibility of all researchers along with tentative time frame. He should take honest feedback from each consortia on regular basis and suggest if he founds any deviation. At first, Vaaland should resolve all the confliction by distribute the Power and Authority on Hierarchical base so that a healthy work environment can be developed. Both should have assured that researchers which are being selected will give benefit to the organization. It means selection process should be effective. If any researcher is selected who has less experience but having capability to learn and grow, for such type of researchers, there should be training cell. Both should have reviewed the market scenario and investors demand and according to that they should establish the working model. They should develop such type of organizational culture where whatever decision has been taken by both of them that should be followed by their sub-ordinates. Before establish any working model, both should discuss with their sub-ordinates. Both should make a strategy to collect the fund by providing different type of schemes for their investors. They should make a cell that looks after only the fund collection job. Both should have assured the project completion time frame so that investors can faith on the organization. It gives a positive message in the market and it helps to attract the investors. Both should have established the proper networking for communication and taking feedback. No one should have confliction on this. Both should have enforced to establish the Hilton Experience effectively between Secretariat and all Consortia. Q6:- What lessons can you draw from LLD? What LLD a success? A6:- The case study â€Å"Organizing From Scratch: Learning Lab Denmark Experience† is really having great lesson for all the leaders. In my  opinion, LLD was a big failure due to weak leadership and having no any strategic plan to run the organization for long time, achieve the targets, lack of organizational culture, inexperienced work force and weak financial condition. Here I am sharing the key points which I have learned from the case study to run any organization effectively:- Importance of effective and structured Organizational Design.

Succubus Shadows Chapter 15

It was 1942, and I was in France. I didn't want to be in France. I hadn't wanted to be there for the last fifty years, yet somehow, Bastien kept talking me into staying. There was also the small fact that our supervising archdemon didn't want us to go. He liked the way we worked together. Incubus-succubus teams were hit or miss sometimes, but we were exceptional, and our superiors had taken note. It was good for our hellish careers but not for my morale. Bastien didn't see what my problem was. â€Å"Hell doesn't even need us here,† he told me one day, after I'd complained for like the thousandth time. â€Å"Think of it as a vacation. Hordes of souls are being damned here every day.† I walked over to the window of our shop and peered out onto the busy road, pressing my hands against the glass. Bicyclists and pedestrians moved past, everyone needing to get somewhere and get there fast. It could have been any ordinary weekday in Paris, but this was no ordinary day. Nothing had been ordinary since the Germans had occupied France, and the scattered soldiers in the street stood out to me like candles in the night. Bad simile, I thought. Candles implied some kind of hope or light. And while Paris had fared better than most people realized under Nazi rule, something in the city had changed. The energy, the spirit†¦whatever you wanted to call it, it had a taint to me. Bastien said I was crazy. Most people were still living their daily lives. The food shortages weren't as bad here as in other places. And after shape-shifting into Aryan nation poster children with blond hair and blue eyes, we were more or less left alone. Bastien was still going on about my glum mood while he moved about and straightened hat displays in my periphery. He'd chosen millinery as his profession for this identity, one that worked well for meeting well-to-do Parisian women. I played the role of his sister – as I so often did in other scenarios – helping with the store and keeping house for him. It was better than dance halls or brothels, which had been our previous occupations in France. â€Å"What about your friend?† Bastien asked me slyly. â€Å"Young Monsieur Luc?† At the mention of Luc, I paused in my dejected assessment of the world outside the hat shop. If I was going to talk about candles in the night, then Luc was mine. A real one. He was a human I'd met recently, working with his father – a violin maker. Their trade had suffered even more than ours, as the market for luxury items shriveled in these lean times. But Luc never seemed to let their financial woes affect him. Whenever I saw him, he was always cheerful, always full of hope. The weight of so many centuries of sin and darkness were starting to take their toll on me, and being in Paris only made it worse. Yet, Luc was a wonder to me. Being able to look at the world with such optimism, with such conviction that good would prevail†¦well, it was a foreign concept. One I was intrigued by. I couldn't stay away from it. â€Å"Luc's different,† I admitted, finally turning from the window. â€Å"He's not part of this.† Bastien snorted and leaned against the wall. â€Å"They're all part of this, Fleur.† Fleur was his long-time nickname for me over the years, no matter what identity I assumed. â€Å"I don't suppose you've slept with him yet?† My answer was to turn away again and remain silent. No, I hadn't slept with Luc. I wanted to, though. I wanted to with the instincts of a woman who had fallen for a man, as well as the craving of a succubus to consume the energy and taste the soul of someone so good. I had never hesitated before. This was the kind of thing I'd always sought out. It was even my job. But something inside of me was changing. Maybe it was these bleak times, but whenever I looked at Luc and saw that purity radiating from him – and his growing love and trust in me – I just couldn't do it. â€Å"He's coming by tonight,† I said at last, dodging the question. â€Å"We're going for a walk.† â€Å"Oh,† said Bastien. â€Å"I see. A walk. That's certain to impress Theodosia.† Theodosia was our archdemoness. I turned back around sharply, glaring at Bastien. â€Å"It's none of your business what I do!† I exclaimed. â€Å"Besides, if this is the ‘vacation' you claim it is, I shouldn't need to secure a good soul.† â€Å"Souls are falling left and right around here,† he agreed. â€Å"But you've still got to turn one in every once in a while. You can't spend the rest of your existence only going after bad ones.† I didn't speak to him for the rest of the day, and fortunately, business picked up quite a bit in the afternoon. It kept us both busy, though I counted down the minutes until Luc showed up that evening. He gave polite greetings to my â€Å"brother,† and then I hustled us out of there so that I wouldn't have to see the knowing look in Bastien's eyes. Luc could have passed for my brother too with his sunny golden hair. He always smiled when he looked at me, making small crinkle lines around the blue eyes I fancifully likened to sapphires. He held my arm as we passed through the evening crowd, filled with those going home after work or possibly seeking nighttime entertainment. He told me I looked beautiful, and we talked of other inconsequential things: the weather, neighborhood gossip, day-to-day affairs†¦ We ended up at a small city park that was a popular spot for others seeking evening strolls before curfew. We found a relatively secluded area among some trees and settled onto the grass. Luc had been carrying a small basket the entire time and revealed its contents: pastries and a bottle of wine. He didn't have extra money to throw around for that kind of thing, but I knew better than to protest. It was already done. Whatever else he'd had to sacrifice in return would be well worth it, as far as he was concerned. He had another surprise for me as well: a book. He and I were always trading novels back and forth, and as I lay down against the grass, skimming through the pages, a strange yet warm peace blossomed within me. â€Å"Next time you should bring your violin,† I said, setting the book down. â€Å"I want to hear you play again.† He stretched out beside me, his hand finding mine. We laced our fingers together and watched the sky grow purple. â€Å"Not out here,† he said. â€Å"I don't want a public concert.† â€Å"You'd charm them all,† I said. â€Å"The whole city would line up and dance at your command, just like the pied piper.† He laughed, the sound as golden as his hair or even the sun itself. â€Å"And then what would I do with them?† â€Å"Line them up and send them all away so that we can be alone.† â€Å"We are alone,† he said, laughing again. â€Å"Sort of.† I rolled to my side and leaned over him. Shadows from the surrounding trees enclosed us. â€Å"Alone enough.† I brought my lips down and kissed him, surprising both of us. I hadn't meant to do it. We'd never kissed before. I'd held myself back from him, earning all that chastising from Bastien. I could never bring myself to take Luc's energy and shorten his life. Yet, something came over me just then. It might have been my earlier gray mood or the feelings that were eerily like love within me. Whatever it was, being a succubus didn't matter just then. Well, it didn't until his energy started flowing into me. Our kissing grew more intense, our lips full of demand. His soul shone so brightly that even that one kiss was enough to taste his energy. It was glorious. My whole body thrilled to both it and his touch. He wrapped his arm around my waist, and without conscious thought, I began unbuttoning his shirt. He rolled me over so that I was the one on my back now and moved his mouth down to my neck. The knee-length skirts of this time gave him easy access to run his hand up my leg, and I pressed myself closer to him, pulling at his clothes while his hungry lips moved farther and farther down. All the while, that beautiful life filled me. I was drowning in it. When his lips reached the spot between my breasts, something seemed to jolt him to reality. He pulled up from me, running his hand over my hair as he looked down into my eyes. â€Å"Oh God,† he said. â€Å"We can't do this. Not now.† The mantra of moral men everywhere. â€Å"We can,† I said, surprised at the pleading in my own voice. It was the affection I felt for him speaking, not any agenda of Hell's. I wanted – needed – him to be closer to me. He sighed. â€Å"Suzette, Suzette. I want to. But I want us to get married. I can't do this – can't do this to you – unless I know you'll be my wife. It isn't right otherwise.† I stared up at him, uncertainty interfering with my desire. â€Å"Are you†¦are you proposing to me?† Luc thought about it for a moment and then grinned again, giving me another of those radiant smiles that never failed to make my heart race. â€Å"Yes. I guess I am. We'd have to wait a little bit – wait until I had more money. But when the war's over, things will get better.† This war's never going to be over, some gloomy part of me thought. But just now, that wasn't the real issue. His wanting to marry me was. It was impossible, of course. I could theoretically shape-shift so that I aged with him, all the while getting succubus sex on the side. Some succubi did that, having countless husbands over the centuries. Most didn't even stick around. They just disappeared. Their marital vows meant nothing. Looking at him now, at that burning love in his eyes, I felt my heart torn in two. If I said yes, he would wrap me up again and make love to me. If I said no, he wouldn't – not out of spite, but because of what was honorable. This could be so easy. Say yes. Promise I'd marry him and take him now. I could fulfill my heart's longing, my body's longing, and keep my good standing with Hell. I could leave after we were married. Or, easier still, break off the engagement. All I had to do was give him a dishonest â€Å"yes.† Sex to him wasn't right without that. Really, it was a wonder he didn't insist on waiting until marriage. The commitment was apparently enough. He believed in me. He believed I was a good, honest person. If I said I loved him and would be true to him forever, then he would accept that. Just say yes. But the words stuck in my throat. I couldn't lie to him. I couldn't let him find out how base I really was. And as his lingering life energy burned inside me, I realized I couldn't steal more from him. The guilt of what I'd done already was hitting me hard. It had only been the barest taste, but it had clipped time off of his life. And if I did back out of marriage after we'd had sex, he'd think what we'd done had been wrong. A sin. A black mark on his soul. I slid out from under him and sat up. â€Å"No,† I said. â€Å"I can't marry you.† His happy face remained unchanged. â€Å"It doesn't have to be now. And it doesn't even have to be†¦about this.† He gestured to where I'd just been lying in the grass. â€Å"Like I said, we couldn't get married for a while anyway.† â€Å"No,† I repeated, my heart sinking. â€Å"I can't†¦I can't marry you. Ever.† I can't hurt you. I care about you too much. I can't take your light from the world. He must have seen something in my face, something that drove home the truth of my words. That smile faded. The sun disappeared behind clouds. My heart broke. I hastily stood up, suddenly unable to look at him. What was wrong with me? I didn't know. All I knew was that I couldn't stay there. I couldn't stay there and see him hurting. If I did, I would start sobbing. As it was, I could feel tears starting to sting my eyes. â€Å"Suzette, wait!† I hurried away but soon heard him coming behind me. Even after my rejection, he didn't sound angry. He was concerned, worried about me. I hated that even more. I wish I'd driven him into a rage. But, no, even something like this†¦it would hurt him, yet he would respect both me and my choice. Which was why I had to stay away from him. Not just now, but always. I knew now that I couldn't be around someone I cared about. I couldn't stand the thought of causing pain to a loved one. I couldn't stand the thought of damning a good soul. Somewhere, somehow, after centuries of blithely harming others, I had gone horribly awry as a succubus. How? When? With Niccol? °? Was it just the gradual sum of all the lives and souls I'd harmed finally taking a toll on me? I was headed back for the hat shop. Bastien and I lived above it. I could still hear Luc following me, calling out to me that everything was okay. I knew if I made it inside, he wouldn't come barging in after me. He'd probably knock politely at the door but would go away if Bastien told him to. I took a shortcut, cutting behind some buildings off the main road. I knew the way well, but it was dark now, limiting my vision enough that I didn't see the soldier until I ran straight into him. He was standing so still and so solidly that it was like I'd accidentally run into one of the building's walls. I bounced back, and he caught me by the shoulder. â€Å"Easy there,† he said. His French had a heavy German accent but was articulated well. â€Å"You'll hurt yourself.† He was a giant of a man, young and not unattractive. I couldn't quite tell in the fading light, but his uniform made me think he was an officer of some sort. He was smiling down at me and hadn't let go of my shoulder. â€Å"Thank you,† I said demurely. I tried to step back gracefully, but his grip was strong. â€Å"You shouldn't be out here at all,† he added. â€Å"It's dangerous. Especially with curfew coming.† Curfew was nowhere near coming, despite the darkening sky. He looked me over as he spoke. My skirt had fallen back into place while running, but several buttons on my blouse had come undone with Luc and hadn't been fixed. It provided a pretty good vantage on my bra and cleavage. â€Å"My house is just over there,† I said. â€Å"I'll just – I'll just go now.† The hand on my shoulder stayed locked where it was, but his other hand had slipped through the opening in my blouse and was tracing the shape of my breast. Great. After all the deep and traumatic revelations I'd had tonight about the cursed life of a succubus, the last thing I needed was a Nazi feeling me up. Scratch that. There was something worse. â€Å"Let her go.† Luc's voice rang out behind me, and I winced. I'd hoped I'd lost him in the chase, but if he had seen me coming in this direction, he could have made a pretty good guess about which path I was taking home. â€Å"Walk away,† said the officer. â€Å"This has nothing to do with you.† Luc's fists were balled up. â€Å"Let her go,† he repeated. â€Å"I won't tell you again.† The officer laughed, but it was a harsh, terrible sound. â€Å"You won't tell me anything.† I tried my best to peer at Luc while still in that hard grip. â€Å"Go,† I told him. â€Å"It'll be all right. I'll be okay.† â€Å"Smart girl,† said the German. Luc lunged at him, and I was shoved out of the way as the two men grappled with each other. I stared in horror. Everything happened so quickly that my brain barely had time to even register what I was seeing. Luc was strong and fast, but the other guy was huge – and had a knife. I saw it flash briefly in what light was left, and then Luc's body went rigid. The officer stepped back, jerking the blade out of Luc's stomach as he did. I shrieked and tried to run toward him, but the Nazi's arm stopped me, grabbing hold of me once more. Luc's hands clutched at his stomach as blood flowed from it. He looked down at it in disbelief, like he was waiting for a punch line to reveal itself, and then he collapsed to the ground. I tried again to break free of my captor but couldn't. Luc's eyes gazed up at me, though his lips couldn't form any words as he lay there in that terrible agony, the life pouring out of his body. â€Å"There,† said the German officer, pulling me so that I was pressed against his chest. His knife had disappeared to wherever it had come from, and the hand that had held it – the hand that had stabbed Luc – was reaching under my shirt again. â€Å"Now there are no more distractions.† I heard Luc make a strangled sound as the officer ripped open the last of my buttons. Enough of my numbed shock wore off that I remembered I could fight back here. I could shape-shift to twice this guy's size and – Thunk. The Nazi's head lurched forward as something struck him from behind. His hold on me released, and he fell to the ground unconscious. Bastien stood behind him holding a hat block: a heavy, rounded wooden object used for constructing hats. â€Å"I'd know your scream anywhere,† he said. I had no time for his joking or to offer thanks. I dropped to my knees beside Luc and pulled off my blazer, frantically trying to use it to stop the bleeding. He was still conscious, and his eyes were on my face, still full of that hope and love that was so characteristic of him. Bastien knelt beside me, face solemn. â€Å"No human medicine can fix this, Fleur,† he said quietly. â€Å"I know.† I'd known as soon as I'd seen Luc fall. It was why I hadn't sent Bastien to get help. â€Å"Oh God. This can't be happening.† â€Å"It's†¦all right.† Luc's words were barely audible, and I had a feeling he was choking on blood. â€Å"You're safe†¦all that matters†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He coughed again, and this time I did see blood near his lips. â€Å"No, no,† I said. â€Å"It wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth it. None of this should have happened!† It was my fault. All my fault. Luc had come to save me from the German. I'd run into the German because I'd fled from Luc. And I'd fled from Luc because I'd suddenly latched on to a moral high ground and refused to have sex with him. If I'd just given in†¦if I'd just said I'd marry him and taken him like a succubus should have, this never would have happened. We would have been lying in the grass right now, naked in each other's arms. Instead, he'd died in this alley because of me, because of my weakness. I was a succubus who'd tried to act human – and I'd done a shitty job at both. Luc was beyond speech now. Everything was said with his eyes as he gazed at me, like I was some angel sent to carry him home. Bastien nudged me. â€Å"Fleur, he's going to stay alive a little while. You know how long stomach wounds take. It's agony.† â€Å"I know,† I growled, choking off a sob. â€Å"You don't need to tell me.† Bastien's voice was grave. â€Å"You can stop it. Ease his suffering.† I stared at Bastien incredulously. â€Å"What do you expect me to do? Go get that knife and finish him?† He shook his head. â€Å"He's only got a little life left, Fleur. Only a little. You won't need to do much.† I didn't get it right away. When I did, I felt my eyes go wide. â€Å"No†¦I can't†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"He dies regardless,† said Bastien. â€Å"You can make it faster†¦sweeter†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I was still shaking my head, but Bastien's words had penetrated. He was right. He was right, and I hated him because he was right. Turning from Bastien, I looked back at Luc, whose brow I'd been stroking with my hand. His gaze was still turned upward, still at me. A drop of water fell on his cheek, and I realized it was one of my tears. â€Å"Good-bye, Luc,† I said softly. It seemed like I should say a million other things to him, but I couldn't form the words. So, instead, I leaned down and brought my lips to his. I pressed against them, making full contact, though it had none of the animal passion from before. This was gentler. A whisper of a kiss. But as Bastien had said, it didn't take much. The beautiful, silvery sweetness of his life energy flowed into me. It was just as pure and perfect as before – and it was gone quickly. I took it into me and sat up, just as Luc exhaled his last breath. The eyes that had watched me so adoringly saw nothing now. I sat up and leaned against Bastien. â€Å"I killed him,† I said, no longer holding the tears back. â€Å"You brought him peace. You were his angel.† It was an eerie echo of my earlier sentiments. â€Å"No, this†¦I mean, before. He shouldn't have been out here. He's here because†¦because of me. If I'd slept with him, this wouldn't have happened. But I couldn't. I didn't want to hurt him†¦didn't want to taint him†¦and then this happened†¦.† Bastien put his arm around me. â€Å"If it makes you feel better, his soul won't be going to our people.† I buried my face in his shoulder. â€Å"This is my fault. My fault†¦I should have done what I was supposed to do. I was ready to – then he asked me to marry him and – damn it. I should have done it. I should have lied. It would have been better for everyone. I don't know how this happened†¦.† â€Å"It happened because you get too close to them,† said Bastien. He was stern but trying hard to be gentle. â€Å"Men like this†¦anyone like this†¦they enchant you, Fleur. You get attached and then you get hurt.† â€Å"Or I hurt them,† I murmured. â€Å"You need to stay indifferent.† â€Å"It's getting worse,† I said. â€Å"Every time, it's harder on me. I don't understand. What's happening to me? What's wrong with me?† â€Å"Immortality,† he said wisely. â€Å"Too many years.† â€Å"What do you know? You're younger than me.† Bastien helped me stand, though I was reluctant to let Luc go. â€Å"I know that you can't keep doing this. Listen to what I said: don't get attached to these good ones. No matter what you do, it won't end well.† â€Å"I won't go near the good ones at all,† I said in a small voice. â€Å"No more. I'm staying away from them altogether.† Bastien's kindly mien dropped. â€Å"That's ridiculous,† he scoffed. â€Å"Weren't you listening to me earlier? You can't go after immoral men for eternity. You'd get no energy. You'd have to do it every other day.† I looked down at Luc, Luc who had loved me and gotten killed for me. My fault. All my fault. â€Å"Never again,† I said. â€Å"I won't ever hurt anyone like that again.† When I returned to the box in the dark, I didn't need the Oneroi to enlighten me. All of that dream had been true – except for the last part. It had been a lie. I had continued to hurt people, over and over.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Troublesome Property: Master-Slave Relations in Florida, 1821-1865 Essay

  In the excerpt, â€Å"A Troublesome Property: Master-Slave Relations in Florida, 1821-1865, the author, Larry Rivers, focuses on the interaction between bondsmen and masters in Florida. It entails the theory that the master might claim the body of his property but could never quite dominate his or her soul. The state of Florida was one that differed in several aspects from other states in the old south which it made known as a free state. There were no slave laws and thus, it was considered a safe haven for many runaway slaves and the Seminole Indians. Due to the fact that there were no slave laws, the slaves often rebelled against their masters. As a result of such rebellions, there was a discipline problem that led many owners to perceive their slaves as â€Å"a troublesome property.† The three areas that the slaves had trouble with their owners were religious behavior, interpersonal relations, and work. With regards to religion, many slave owners, such as, Zephaniah Ki ngsley and Judge Wilkerson believed that religious expressions were a form of independence and would threaten slave control. They believed that their slaves’ would become more empowered and have more bravery and be more difficult to handle and more disobedient. However, other slave owners believed that it should be used as an instrument of control. When slaves were actually able to attend Christian services, it was by a white minister who taught them to obey their masters in order to be saved by God. However, if they disobeyed them, they would not be saved, but destined for damnation. Another aspect, in which there was controversy, was with interpersonal relations. Slave owners believed that if the slaves were married and maintained a family that it would lead to good behavior and higher productivity. Yet, there were many slave owners who did not want their slaves marrying other slaves from different plantations. Nor did these slave owners want their slaves having other slave s visit them or vice versa. The only reason that those slave owners eventually complied is for the fact that the number of male slaves on certain properties began outnumbering the number of female slaves. Slaves were then only allowed to marry if they vowed to remain loyal to their masters and kept working efficiently.   The  work patterns of the slaves were another aspect that caused controversy. The legal system that gave planters absolute power was said to not ensure effective control of the quality or quantity of work performed. Slaves often resisted and insufficient supervision intensified problems. As a result, Slave owners were forced to compromise with the slaves; allowing slaves to report to work after sunrise and to work under less-immediate supervision than other plantations had. Gang systems were also implemented to increase the efficiency and productivity of the workers. Nevertheless, many slaves were performing poorly, resulting in the decision of severe punishments and threats of being sold. When that failed they resorted to positive inducements which included; extra days off during the holidays, additional food allotments, additional free time, or money. In my opinion, I believe the information provided was very insightful. Rivers gave an in depth understanding on the relationsh ip between the slave masters and the slaves. It was very rewarding to know that not all slaves were submissive to their slave masters but rather many stood up for what they believe in. I commend all the slaves that were brave enough to risk their own life’s to practice their religion the right way in secret. They knew what the repercussions would be harsh but they had to fight for what they believed in. I also want to praise the brave men and women who chose to fight back, like Douglass Dorsey who tried to poison his master after witnessing how brutally his mother was treated. The slaves used what they had to their advantage leaving the slave owners no other choice but to bargain with them; this is an epitome of how standing up for what you believe in can make a difference.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 10

Globalization - Essay Example ation in supporting poor countries by rich countries and organizations, effects of globalization on cultural convergence, and effects of globalization on individualism and employer movement. Globalization defines extensive networks across national borders for transfer resources and finished products. This has had significant economic impacts on developing countries because of derived benefits from rich countries and rich organizations. One of the major economic benefits of globalization on poor countries is the exploitation of the countries resources. The poor countries are rich in primary raw materials such as agricultural products and minerals but they lack the potentials to exploit the resources. The developed countries, having been industrialized and having exploited most if their resources are in dire need of the resources in the developing countries for sustainability and for economic reasons. The developed countries therefore invest in the poor countries by sending technologies and machineries to aid exploitation of the raw materials. This leads to generation of income for the poor countries and promotes the countries role in global trade towards generation of fo reign exchange and achievement of favourable balance of trade and balance of payment. The flow of investment resources into poor countries and the demand of the poor countries’ raw materials also create employment opportunities for the countries citizens with effects of improved per capita income and living standards (Holton, 2005; Mooney and Evans, 2007). Globalization also promotes the supportive role of developed countries in supporting poor countries through aiding movement of workers across borders. Even though developing countries are rich in human resource, the countries suffer from low employment opportunities and developed countries, which lack human resource, offer employment opportunities for the poor countries’ citizens. This is because of the facilitated communication and employee

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Critically analyse the International Olympic Committee, politicaly and Essay

Critically analyse the International Olympic Committee, politicaly and memebers' corruptions - Essay Example The escalation in the price of broadcasting rights for sport is the single largest factor affecting the global sport business. Therefore, the demand of sponsor and mass media has been changed due to the globalisation of the sport market. Both of them need bring some direct and indirect efforts to all audience. The sponsors want to show their brand on advertising and compete against other companies in the global market.( Cooke, 1994) The motive of the broadcast companies is sell advertising slots at hugely increase prices in the globalisation market during the matches. British sporting bodies, having previously jealously guarded their non-governmental status, lobbied the government for a ministry of sport to spearhead a drive for British international sporting success. In the event, the governments sports strategy, published as A Sporting Future For All in April 2000, failed to go this far, even if there were references to a new deal between government and sports governing bodies, the need to enhance the prospects for more success for our top competitors and teams in international competition and the urgent need to learn the lessons of our competitor nations: Government cannot and should not dictate. Moreover, the episode, viewed in conjunction with the fiasco regarding the rebuilding of Wembley as a national football stadium, was adjudged to have seriously damaged British prospects of bidding successfully for the 2012 Olympics or the 2014 World Cup. The Blair government appeared guilty of reneging on both election manifesto and ministerial promises as well as of displaying a distinct lack of feel for the politics of international sport. Certainly, the apparent gap between government rhetoric and events suggested a distinct lack of joined up government, both within government as well as between it and sporting bodies. (Trenberth, 2003) As one editorial observed, unless the Government matches its rhetoric with

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Windows Vs Linux Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Windows Vs Linux - Research Paper Example The source code is available to everyone, as to allow people to make the program function properly on their computers and in the way that they want to (Collins-Sussman, 2008). Windows, being closed source, contains a special user license, so that users cannot change the code. They must accept the program as it is. It is because of this that many programs for Linux are free, since they can be altered at will by any given person. The majority of Windows’ programs cost, as they cannot be changed. While Windows is one of the cheaper platforms, it is not nearly as cost-effective as Linux. A lot of this has to do with the use of open source programs in the Linux platform, seeing as many of these do not cost. The Windows platform itself might be cheaper than Linux, but one must still purchase all of the programs for Windows. An example of this is Windows’ need for antivirus software. The use of closed source means that the computer is more likely to get viruses, forcing the user to purchase antivirus software. Linux, being open source, is incapable of getting programs, and therefore not requiring antivirus programming (Easttom, 2006). In the long run, more money is spent maintaining the Windows platform as opposed to Linux. Both platforms use directories to hold and save data, information or files created by the user of the computer. Windows and Linux platforms allow the user to create, delete, rename, copy or move directories or files (Veselosky, 2007). Regardless of which platform someone decides to use, they will be able to keep their files and documents in whichever organized fashion that they wish, and edit them if and when they see fit. Both platforms also offer the use of the command prompt to open and start a program. These programs are the programs that allow the computer to run and effect how efficiently the computer works. Command prompts, while they can be simply the title of the program, can also be special computer

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marijuana Legalization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Marijuana Legalization - Research Paper Example Although, Marijuana was maximally consumed for recreational purposes, when its medicinal properties were discovered, it started to be used for therapeutic purposes as well. Certain components of Marijuana like THC, cannabinoids, etc., are proven to treat or even lessen the complications arising out of various diseases and health problems. Because of these beneficial properties, there are calls to legalize Marijuana for medicinal purposes, so the needy patients can get access to it without any hassles. Currently, it is illegal to possess and consume Marijuana (with only few states giving exceptions) and so the authorities are implementing extensive and tough measures to impede its movement. These measures are resulting in high costs for the government, and quite contrastingly, certain studies showed that controlling measures are in-turn leading to more crimes, thus validating the need for legalization. When the purpose or use of Marijuana is viewed from an opposite perspective, it pro vides a slightly negative picture. That is, consumption of Marijuana could cause even more serious health problems for the users (more that its’ therapeutic purposes), thus raising calls against legalization. ... However, as the cons against legalization can be managed, this paper after discussing both sides of the legalization argument, will favor legalization of Marijuana. Pros for Legalization Marijuana has been used, as part of medicinal practice, from early centuries and it was only around 1850's, it was embraced by the Western medical practitioners. (Millhorn et al., 2009). It was part of the United States' pharmacopoeia as one of the prescription drugs till 1941, treating both minor as well as major complications. However, with the passing of the Marijuana Tax Act in 1930s, the practitioners were impeded from prescribing it. (Gunnlaugsson & Galliher, 2010). In the present context, although there are severe restrictions in the use of Marijuana for medical purposes, various studies are going on, which proves the efficacy of it against many health complications, thus necessitating the legalization of it. The medicinal value of Marijuana particularly its components THC and cannabinoids can help in the treatment of various diseases and also the complications arising out of those diseases. â€Å"An alternative literature suggests that cannabis may have medicinal value for addressing a wide range of various medical diseases, though smoked product may be harmful, the active ingredients in cannabis, most notably THC/dronabinol may have medicinal value† (Johnson et al., 2008). Even if it is not able to fully treat the diseases, Marijuana can play an effective role in minimizing the physical pain and other complications that are associated with those diseases. Marijuana's main medical application is as a pain reliever. â€Å"The use of marijuana relieves pain, which results from side effects of

Diversity in Organizations Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Diversity in Organizations - Term Paper Example Corporate trainers design programs which can certainly help organizations to implement diversified culture in the organization. However if diversity is not going to be managed properly then it can affect the overall productivity of the organization. Human Resource Management department has an important role to play for management of diversified culture in the organization. HR managers should create awareness among employees of the organization. They should focus on an idea that one single employee can not do much for the betterment of the organization. Employees can only bring change in the organization through their collective effort. They can not do anything positive individually. Employees are the main force of the organization that has to carry out day to day work in order to bring productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. Employees often enter into the organization with diverse background. Therefore sometimes it becomes difficult for managers to manage them effectively. Manage rs of the organization should realize it as strength. Employees need to understand certain dynamics of this diversity since it can help them to achieve strategic goals of the organization. Top management should also reflect acceptability for diversity through their actions and behaviors. Relevant behaviors of the employee should be reinforced so that they could also realize that which particular type of behaviors is acceptable within the organization. Diversity can also become one of the distinguishing characteristic of the organization if it can be managed properly (Bell, 2006). One thing should be very clear when it comes to the implementation of diversity programs in the organization; the thing is that organization should know what diversity actually means in the context of their corporate culture. The differences of culture and the different ways of doing things should be respected by the management of the organization if it wants to implement such program. There are many differ ences which employees can bring to the organization. These include color, sex, race, religion, diverse educational background etc. However one thing will be common in these highly diversified employees that are to achieve organizational objectives efficiently and effectively. Clarity about specific benefits associated with diversity programs should be communicated to the employees so that they may know that what type of benefits they are going to be offered if they help organizations toward the implementation of such programs. New employees should get proper orientation so that they can also embrace diversity of the organization. New employees can easily accept such programs since they have not seen the past programs of the organization (Anca & Vega, 2007). Managers can mold these employees in a way which is required by the organization. There are many organizations which are accepting diversity in order to make their presence global. Experts are also of the opinion that organizatio n having diverse workforce can approach different problems in a unique way. They have knowledge base which is quite diverse in its approach and thinking. Therefore they are also in a better position to solve contemporary issues in a unique way. Managers should also arrange training and development sessions so that employees can understand diversity programs in a more formal way. Employers can further enhance the utility of diversity programs by linking some part of their compensation to their diversity

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Response Paper Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Response Paper - Article Example They emphasized the point that capstone achievement of the doctoral program is more justified as a goal than mere reporting the research literature. While Maxwell tended to accuse Boote and Beile’s approach as ‘foundationalism’ (Boote & Beile, 2006, p. 33), Maxwell himself ironically appeared -as it is revealed through the argumentation of the authors- to the adamant foundationalist who, being deviated from the generative purpose of education, is more inclined to establish the value of knowledge on some normative foundations and â€Å"conceptual framework[s] that only discusses relevant literature† (Boote & Beile, 2006, p. 32). However, it is also true that Boote and Beile have failed, to some extent, to understand Maxwell’s counter argument behind the division between the dissertation literature review and research literature review. Indeed Boote and Beile’s flat allegation that Maxwell advocates, â€Å"Candidates need not present a thorough analysis and synthesis of the scholarship and research† (Boote & Beile, 2006, p. 32) can be refuted on the point that Maxwell preserves, though flawed, the right of performing an independent and thorough analysis in the literature review only for the author of the research paper. Here he is more concerned with the educational value of dissertation. Obviously, adherence to the non-generative conceptual frameworks of doctoral engenders the hollow ritualistic aspects of the highest educational programs. Therefore, Boote and Beile have taken the safest route to prevent such undesired result of reviewing the existing literatures in a particular field by granting the scholar’s independence within the conceptual frameworks of dissertation literature review and, at the same time, defying Maxwell’s approach to take prior literatures as â€Å"exemplar for the dissertation† (Boote & Beile, 2006, p. 33). In

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Explore the ways in which late antique or medieval Christian thought Essay

Explore the ways in which late antique or medieval Christian thought (i.e. St. Thomas Aquinas) compares and contrasts with Greek philosophy (i.e. Plato and Aris - Essay Example Let us try to see what these similarities and contrasts were between them on example of the role that was played by the dichotomy that separated the world into opposing realms, such as ideas and matter in the Greek philosophy, and spirit and flesh or faith and reason in the Christian thought. In general, for the formation of the Christian thought probably the most important was its early period when this presently dominant religion was searching to define itself. The Romans widely propagated Greek culture and in this way Christianity found itself in the Greco-Roman society amidst pronounced philosophical and religious confrontation. It was integration of competing philosophies and of the rich Hellenistic philosophical heritage into the Christian world view that served as a winning strategy for the Christian religion. Before the first statements regarding the general doctrine of the church were made in the 4th century, philosophical theology was becoming more important than direct revelation in determining the essential Christian doctrines. At the same time, not all of the early church scholars had the same view on the available heritage of secular knowledge, which was mainly Greek. For instance, Tertullian in 2nd century treated the secular knowledge as unnecessary in co mparison to scriptures, but his coeval Clement of Alexandria defended the usefulness of the Greek secular heritage, and of philosophy in general, as a proper addition to the gospel. In the 3rd century Origen of Alexandria went even further and claimed that there actually was a philosophical school that through reason confirmed the gospel. For Origen this school was represented by the philosophy of Neoplatonists - the further development of Platonic philosophy initiated by Plotinus - with its views on the essence of God and divine relation to the world and man. In the end, this position of Origen prevailed and thus Neoplatonism assumed the role of the basic philosophical theory that to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Solar pawered heat pump Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Solar pawered heat pump - Literature review Example Within the heat pump, solar collectors replace the air source evaporator since they possess the ability of direct expansion3. Solar powered heat pumps utilize solar energy as their main energy source. The heat pump collects energy from the surrounding air and solar radiation; this ability allows the pump to function even when solar energy is not present. Glazing helps in the prevention of heat loss in some solar heat pumps but the cooler fitted in the pump allows it to operate at temperatures lower than the surrounding air thus it does not require glazing4. The Rankine refrigeration cycle is a core part of the solar powered heat pump, which increases its performance. It works with the solar collector, which is the evaporator, and the refrigeration component expands directly in the evaporator and absorbs the solar energy. Other solar powered heat pumps come as complete packages and do not need field assembly5. The heat pump is cost-effective and can achieve the maximum thermal capacity that is required to heat water. They are good alternatives to use either domestically or for industrial use. The sun generates two major forms of energy, which under specific conditions undergo transformation to produce solar power. The conversion of light to electricity uses a method known as photovoltaics. The other form of the sun’s energy, which is heat, undergoes conversion via the concentrated solar power. It mainly employs the use of lenses and concentrates a large beam of light to a small beam. It has a parabolic trough which concentrates the light to a working fluid, which after it heats up it produces heat6. A photovoltaic cell is the device that is responsible for converting sunlight into electricity. These cells generate direct current and are installed in modules then bound to an inverter to produce the frequency for AC. Solar power has passed through time after improvement and new discoveries from its

Monday, July 22, 2019

Economic Equilibrium Essay Example for Free

Economic Equilibrium Essay In economic equilibrium, quantity demanded and quantity supplied are equal. For example, the amount of goods or serivices set by buyers is equal to the amount of goods or services produced by sellers. This is what we call as equilibrium price and this will definitely not change unless demand or supply changes. Based on the lecture, due to scarcity we sometimes consider trade-offs. For example as what was stated in the lecture, supposedly that you have only six hours left to study for your test in economics and to complete your assignment in graphic design, you have to balance your time or spend more time in either economics or graphic design. You also have to consider the resources that you can maximize in accomplishing both things. Having a fixed quantity and quality of available resources means that you have a fixed supply of materials such as textbooks, notes, design software, etc. , to use in the time you have left. Scarcity triggers the society to make choices and thats why there are trade-offs. I agree that economic equilibrium is the state wherein you dont get any benefits at all in making trade-offs because there is no tendency to change or you alreay chose the best possible alternative which means that you have maximized already your limited resources. Reference Economics Basics: Demand and Supply. ( 2010 ). Retrieved July 15, 2010 from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Impact Of The Norman Conquest English Language Essay

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Are Nursing Homes Beneficial?

Are Nursing Homes Beneficial? Cameron Bond   Specific goal: To persuade families why nursing homes are beneficial Introduction: Question: Why do you think nursing homes beneficial?[PC2] Today what I will be talking about is: What are nursing homes? What are the benefits of nursing homes? How can families pay for their loved ones nursing home stay?[PC3] Thesis Statement: [PC4]Nursing homes put more emphasis on rehabilitating residents and getting them back into the community. Nevertheless, there is a growing tendency to make some Nursing Home more homelike. Body: What are nursing homes? According to Medline Plus, a nursing home is a place for people who dont need to be in a hospital but cant be cared for at home. Most nursing homes have nursing aides and skilled nurses on hand 24 hours a day.[PC5] Some nursing homes are set up like a hospital. The staff provides medical care, as well as physical, speech and occupational therapy. There might be a nurses station on each floor. Other nursing homes try to be more like home. They try to have a neighborhood feel. Often, they dont have a fixed day-to-day schedule, and kitchens [PC6]might be open to residents. Staff members are encouraged to develop relationships with residents. Some nursing homes have special care units for people with serious memory problems such as Alzheimers disease. Some will let couples live together. Nursing homes are not only for the elderly, but for anyone who requires 24-hour care. What are the benefits of nursing homes? Assistance with daily task Nursing homes help residents with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, eating, drinking, using the restroom, and administering medicine.[PC7] Typical daily task can become increasingly difficult with old age.[PC8] Social environment Residing in a nursing home facility provides seniors with a built-in social network of peers.[PC9] a) Senior residents can enjoy the company of others who are living in the same facility and share their experiences. Many facilities offer organized social events open for participation for all residents. Many senior citizens suffer from depression due to feeling of isolation from living alone and not having access to social outlets. House keeping The nursing home staff will take care of laundry and general cleaning in their rooms. Food service Nursing facilities provide all meals and snacks Many facilities offer various meal plans to cater to different taste and dietary requirements Safety The elderly are frequently targets of physical, emotional and financial abuse. Living in a nursing home facility offers seniors a protected environment to help insulate them from possible abuse and danger Nursing homes offer greater levels of security and protection than seniors who are living alone or un-supervised Access to resources While living in a nursing home, residents can enjoy easy access to whatever resources they might need a) The nursing home staff will help residents find the information they need quickly and efficiently. Specialized health care Skilled nursing facilities are staffed by registered nurses and they have the ability to provide proper care to seniors with serious health conditions. How can families pay for their loved ones Nursing homes stay?[PC10] It is said on the national institute on aging website that, Its important to check with Medicare, Medicaid, and any private insurance provider you must find out their current rules about covering the costs of long-term care. You can pay for nursing home care in several ways. Medicare is for someone who needs special care, Medicare, a Federal program, will cover part of the cost in a skilled nursing home approved by Medicare. Check with Medicare for details. Medicaidis a State/Federal program that provides health benefits to some people with low incomes. Contact your county family services department to see if you qualify. Private pay is when some people pay for long-term care with their own savings for as long as possible. When that is no longer possible, they may apply for help from Medicaid. If you think you may need to apply for Medicaid at some point, make sure the nursing home youre interested in accepts Medicaid payments. Not all do. Long-term care insurance is when some people buy private long-term care insurance. It can pay part of the costs for a nursing home or other long-term care for the length of time stated in your policy. This type of insurance is sold by many different companies and benefits vary widely. Look carefully at several policies before making a choice. Conclusion[PC11]: Nursing homes are an amazing way to make sure that your loved ones are being cared for and getting the service they deserve. As I stated before, nursing homes put more emphasis on rehabilitating residents and getting them back into the community and your loved ones can feel at home. Today I talked to you about what is a nursing home, what are the benefits of a nursing home, and how could you pay for your love ones stay at the nursing home. As an employee at a nursing home your family members will  Ã‚   be very well taken care of and live a normal life as if they were in their own home.[PC12] You need at least four outside sources mentioned in the body of your speech (not just web addresses) Work Cited